Night Musing in Enterprise

August 25, 2014 § Leave a comment

I saw a ghostly grey stallion, skeleton, in the clouds many nights ago flying through the sky blowing fire on a locomotive as it galloped on and over a dead soldier. The moon was surreal so bright shiny glowing white and round in the sky – big – super big cos its a super moon swimming across the sky. And the moon is like a mushroom – nowhere and here before you realize, and gone again. It’s almost too perfect. Everything so skeletal and eerily beautiful grey. Not to mention the giant sea turtles that swam backward through the black sea-sky slow as clouds.

And then the lightning which flashed in my open windows like a bomb going off. No rain though which often equals fire which is bad news since we’re already surrounded by five fires forming a semi circle in the mtns around us; and we’re enclosed in smoke, it just hangs thick in the sky like la smog only worse like the lightning flash really was a bomb. Can’t see any stars and that’s the pits, too smokey. Nice fresh night breeze though, cool breeze end of heat wave, summer’s winding down and the fall approaching, mornings cooler, dead yellow grass and leaves turning and im sure all the animals are making prepartions, but i guess they mostly always are.


Also – It’s funny to hear the court house play church type bells to the song Halleluiah I’m a Bum (mostly  when I sit and try to type stories drinking beer at ten in the morning, or when I’m dog tired after a hard days work, it’s always kinda funny) Do they even know about this?

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